Jonathan Arnold, one of the owners of H. Arnold Wood Turning, Inc., was featured in Broom, Brush and Mop Magazine’s September/October Issue. This timely article focuses on how companies are moving forward during the pandemic on pages 44-46.

Jonathan Arnold, one of the owners of H. Arnold Wood Turning, Inc., was featured in Broom, Brush and Mop Magazine’s September/October Issue. This timely article focuses on how companies are moving forward during the pandemic on pages 44-46.
Read this Edition of Broom, Brush and Mop here
“Our diversification allows us to supply numerous industries with a variety of product lines. In general, some customers have been greatly affected by the pandemic and have had to rethink their entire business model. We are working with those customers, helping to support and implement the changes they need,” Jonathan Arnold said. “In other cases, some of our customers have been inundated with orders due to the new habits of consumers. We will continue with the same good communication as we had prior to COVID-19, allowing us to make the necessary changes to meet their needs.”
“We have implemented many more video conferencing tools than ever before, which many customers have used as well,” Jonathan Arnold said. “That has actually allowed us more face-to-face contact with customers, which has impacted the already great relationships we have with our clients, and has proven to be a valuable tool that we will continue to use in the future.”
Regarding the safety adjustments made for employees in the work place, Jonathan adds:
“When the pandemic first hit, we took a proactive approach. Where it was appropriate, we transitioned our administrative offices to work from home.” Jonathan said, “One of the first orders of business at H. Arnold Wood Turning, when the severity of COVID-19 became apparent, was to put in place procedures and guidelines to help ensure employees remained as safe and healthy as possible while at work.”
Jonathan added, “Additionally, with the new challenge of at-home schooling, we have worked with employees who are parents of young children to come up with creative scheduling, flexible work hours and work from home scenarios.”
In summation:
“Here at H. Arnold Wood Turning, we are positioned well, due to our diversification and ability to identify and target relevant industries and products. We feel the handle industry has been very good to us and has a bright future. I feel we are a stronger company today than we were prior to COVID-19, and are even better than before in meeting the requirements of our customers.”
Download the full article now.
Learn more about Jonathan Arnold and H. Arnold Wood Turning Inc.